Changhua City, Taiwan

Changhua (Zhanghuah) is a small city close to Taichung. Like many Taiwan cities, it is speckled with random temples.
I lived here for a year. I won’t sugar coat it, I didn’t like it. I found it depressing to see such ugly buildings after living in the beautiful architecture of Spain. It lacked the natural beauty that I had been spoiled with in Colombia. It is flat and industrial.
It isn’t a beautiful city, but has a very large Buddha on top of a hill as its main tourist attraction. It is lovely and a good distraction from the dilapidated buildings below.
Dried squid and eggs from a variety of birds (including ostrich) can be purchased around the Buddha.  
On New Year’s Eve, fireworks are lit off all around the Buddha. It is pretty spectacular.
 Unfortunately, this is all I have for high points of this city.

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