
Kanchanaburi, Erawan Falls, Thailand

THIS IS MY 300th POST!!!!!!!!!!

For a long weekend, I met up with one of my new friends I met traveling in Indonesia. We met in Bangkok and then took the train from Thornburi train station at 7:50 A.M. for 100 baht. We arrived in Kanchanaburi at 11 A.M. and went searching for a scooter to rent. After that, we drove for an hour to the Erawan waterfalls. A short hike through the jungle and we saw the first level. There are seven.

We hiked all the way to the top. The water was cold and full of the fish used in pedicure tanks. Some were actually quite large and all nibbled at my feet. Monkeys came swinging down to steal our things, but I kept them out of their reach.
Unfortunately, our fun was cut short by a giant rainstorm. The lovely warm day now felt freezing. I shivered the whole way down to the parking lot. We had to wait for the rain to subside before we could go anywhere. After my friend bought towels and dry shirts, I felt much better.
After it stopped raining, we jumped back on the scooter and drove back to Kanchanaburi. Our last stop before dark was the bridge over the river Kwai. It was built during world war two by prisoners of the Japanese. It connected Thailand to the Death Railway in Burma, named for how many people died during its construction.
Exhausted, we dropped off the bike, hailed a tuk-tuk to the bus station, and found a spot in a van to take us back to Bangkok.