Floating Market

Taling Chan Floating Market, Bangkok, Thailand

While in Bangkok, I wanted to see a floating market, but one that was more authentic and not swarming with tourists. My friend and I decided to visit the Taling Chan Floating Market. At around 8 A.M., we took the BTS to the Woing stop. From there we took a taxi for around 120 baht.

The entrance to the market is lined with sellers peddling all kinds of foods and trinkets. After walking down the long lane of vendors, we walked onto the docks to see the floating markets. Women sat in boats with colorful produce, some had food cooking on a little fire burning in the boat. Tables sat in the middle of the docks and boys ran up and down from the boats to serve people the fresh food.
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After sampling a few dishes, we joined a boat tour of canals for 100 baht. The tour stopped at a small village with a pretty temple, orchid farm, and a catfish feeding spot.
The village is built on the water of the canal. Most houses are on stilts.
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 Hundreds of fish made large splashes as they fought for food.
After this, we made a stop for a Thai snack of sticky rice and beans cooked inside of bamboo. A man cut the bamboo open with a machete.
When we returned, we easily hailed a cab to take us back into the city.