Taman Festival – Abandoned Amusement Park – Bali, Indonesia

dscn1586Just north of Sanur and about 30 minutes from the craziness of Kuta, is an abandoned amusement park.

Construction began in 1997, it was to have simulation games, 3D theatre performances, a crocodile pit, unique animals,mountain eruptions at planned intervals, and laser light shows at night.

Unfortunately, a bad economy prevented it from opening and the project was abandoned in 2000. There are rumors that the crocodiles were left in their pit and locals fed them live chickens until the crocs eventually ate each other.


Taman Festival Entrance

A man near the entrance collects a 10,000 Rupiah entrance fee and then you can wander the park with no restrictions. Some of the dilapidated buildings look quite dangerous, so proceed with care.



The jungle began to take over and on Dec.10th, 2012, a fire ravaged one of the main buildings, leaving only a skeleton behind.




There are no rollercoasters or ferris wheels in this park, but incredible and sometimes creepy graffiti covers every wall in site.


Scary crumbling statues can be found throughout the large park.

img_20161013_173102img_20161013_170131img_20161013_165116 dscn1598

The theatre is a dark and scary place with large holes in the floor. Be sure to use a flashlight if you dare to enter.


img_20161013_165604 img_20161013_165828 img_20161013_170951     img_20161013_172303       Tip: Be sure to bring flashlights and plenty of bug spray.



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