Chiayi County, Taiwan

Ms. Essex and I decided to drive our scooters through the mountains on our way to Kenting for the Chinese New Year Holiday.
A few hours after leaving Changhua, I saw signs for a Honey Museum, we decided it was a good spot to stop and stretch our legs.
My best impression of the bees behind the glass.
We couldn’t  leave without buying some ‘pollen fudge’. We were both excited at the idea. Unfortunately, like most things in Asia, fudge is not really fudge. They were honey flavored chewy candy. Still alright though, but I wanted honey and chocolate!
As we rode further into the mountains, the scenery became stunning. It was so nice to be out of the city.
We followed curving roads through the mountains for hours. It took almost eight hours of riding to reach Tainan, but it was worth it.
Advice: Highway 3 takes you through the mountains and around the lake.

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